Thursday, August 28, 2014

Your Theater "Friends" Be Like

Ah, theater people. Some of them are truly the most wonderful and eclectic people you'll ever meet. I met most of my best friends doing theater, an illustrious group that includes my wife (aww, your wife is your best friend -- I know, barf).

But not all theater people are your friends.  Some are your "friends."  These are the people you gab and joke when you're working on a project together, or if he or she has a project that he or she needs your help with. But if not, you pretty much don't interact.

Except that, in the modern social-media world, you still do.  And when they've got a show coming up it's all:


But then when YOU post about your upcoming project, they are all like:

So, don't be a theater "friend."  Be a friend.  Support each other and maybe cool it a bit with the self-promotion ... unless it is actually "AMAZING!!!1!!!"